King’s Kids at Kaufman Church of Christ are focused on learning about God, serving others, and having fun. We work in partnership with parents to teach children the story of God’s  love and the value of service to others; we also want to have fun and build relationships

with each other. We serve children from birth to fifth grade in Bible classes, Children’s Worship, and special fun activities.

A heart for service begins with our youngest children.  Each week the children are invited to bring their offering to the front of the auditorium and place it in the buckets. All the money collected in the Children’s Offering goes to Mercy Project to rescue children from slavery in Ghana. We currently sponsor six rescued children.

Weekly Children’s Classes

Children’s Worship

Children’s Worship takes place during the latter portion of our Sunday morning worship service and is for children from birth to third grade. The children are dismissed following the Children’s Offering and prior to the sermon. Parents bring their children to the gathering room, Room 201, and sign them in; teachers meet the children and escort them to their classrooms. During Children’s Worship, our children have a lesson with a Bible story as well as an activity that teaches them about God’s love and His plan for us.

Sunday Morning Bible Class

Bible classes begin ten minutes after worship and are taught for children of all ages. Children who  attend Children’s Worship simply stay in their classroom, and the Bible class teacher comes to them. Fourth and fifth grade students meet upstairs in room 304. Bible classes continue the lesson taught in Children’s Worship with applications and fun activities.

Wednesday Evening

Meets in the gym for "Summer Blast" 6:30-8:00PM during school summer break.

After school summer break, classes are held each Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30. Two and three year old children meet downstairs in room 106. Four year old children through fifth grade meet upstairs in the Faith Factory. The children study a Bible story or Bible character for three consecutive weeks using a different media each week. We combine active learning with a deeper look at God’s Word.

Collide Retreat Registration

Calling all 4th and 5th grade students to join us for our annual winter retreat

February 1-2, 2025

Camp Copass, Denton

Cost $50 until January 5; $65 after

Scan the QR code below to register


Acts of Service are a long-standing part of the Children’s Ministry. Our current focus is working with Mercy Project to rescue children who have been sold into slavery in the fishing industry in Ghana. Mercy Project works with villages to learn better ways to fish and allow children to attend school and be reunited with their families. We currently support six children.

Other projects that our children have been involved with include purchasing livestock for poor families in India, digging wells to provide clean drinking water in India, and providing food to starving children in Malawi. Our children also helped paint the mural on the Hope Center, the transitional housing facility located on the Kaufman Church of Christ property. We even took a day during the summer to help clean the church building.


We have opportunities throughout the year to have fun, build relationships, and learn more about Jesus!

Summer Blast 

During the summer we transform our Wednesday evening time together into a Blast! In the summer of 2023 we gave “All I Am for Jesus.” Each week we had a Bible lesson and took part in an activity. We played football, painted rocks, made bubbles, slid on a slip-n-slide, played kickball, made s’mores, and more! Each week we reinforced our memory verse that we love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength as we laughed and played together.


Children who have completed second through fifth grade may attend Camp Ten:10.

Camp is the last week in July and runs Thursday through Sunday. We partner with a group of congregations to plan and provide Camp Ten:10; several of these congregations also partner with our student ministry for Camp 51. We sing, learn, swim, play games, and have a great time together!


We take a day during spring break to make crafts, play games, and eat pizza! In 2023, we read a story about a bird, made bird feeders, learned how birds eat, and flew kites.


Parents and children meet and swim together at Mrs. Diana’s house during the summer. We enjoy a time of fun and fellowship playing in the pool!

Volunteers and Ministry Safe

All adults who work with our children participate in Ministry Safe training and background checks. 

If you would like to be a part of the Children’s Ministry Team, please contact Diana Freeman at