We want to be known as a church that dreams big dreams.

    -Setting out to do what ONLY God could bring about. 

    We will resist a spirit of fear from the enemy. 

    -2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and sound judgment.”

    We will be willing to be uncomfortable in order to grow spiritually and to share the love of God.

    -”Not MY will but GOD’s will be done”

  • DISCIPLESHIP - deepening our relationship with God


    Guiding Principle: We want to make faith possible for our children and grandchildren.  

    • We will continue to focus on being a church that values kids and teens and their families.  

      • Providing opportunities to highlight children and teens

    • We will give creative and focused effort and resources to discipling our kids/teens.  

      • Have graduating Seniors identify an adult that is not their parent to mentor them in their first year after high school.

      • Explore this for younger students as well. 

    • We will focus on reversing the national trend of students leaving church after graduation

      • Design activities to build relationships among children and teens

    • Develop a comprehensive and holistic curriculum plan that will cover everyone ages 0-18.  

    • We want to see nextgen ministries provide meaningful community and experiences that help each student grow in their faith.  

    • We will restart a summer intern program aimed at helping train the next generation of ministers.  


    • Broaden our definition of worship as we are called to live lives of worship bringing glory to God in ALL that we do - worship is more than just singing on Sunday.

      • We will provide training for our worship minister, Chris Dowell, to continue to grow in his ability to lead us in all aspects of worship

      • We will provide training and support for all of our volunteer worship team.  

    • Creating engaging and dynamic corporate worship on Sunday mornings

      • We want to embrace flexibility in timing and structure of worship

      • As we work toward this - we will explore whether a remodel/redesign to our current worship space would help us accomplish this vision. 

    • Offer worship experiences that will help people at KCOC and in Kaufman County grow in their relationship with Jesus.  

      • These might include special services during the Advent and Easter seasons. 

      • These might also include special prayer or worship gatherings offered at different times of the year. 



    • We want to pray, learn to pray and regularly provide times for prayer, meditation & reflection.. 

    • We want to see a vibrant prayer ministry formed that becomes, over time, the foundation of our life together.  

    • We want connecting with God to be something that every person that is a part of the KCOC family feels confident and comfortable to do.

    • We want spiritual formation to be a regular part of the DNA of our church. 

      • We will provide regular teaching to help people in their pursuit of becoming more like Christ. 

    • We will continue to engage in regular conversation with people about baptism and the life that Christ offers them. 

      • Create a mentoring program for new Christians so that - after a person’s baptism - we can help people grow in Christlikeness as they move forward on their journey.

    • We want to encourage everyone to find a place to serve the kingdom. 

    • We want to continue to cultivate a spirit of generosity among the body at KCOC. 

    • We want to be a people who are attentive to the Holy Spirit as our guide

  • COMMUNITY - growing our relationship with each other


    • We want to continue to grow in looking more like our community

      • Over 50% of our local school district is Hispanic. Another 15% is African American.  These numbers are not reflected in our current demographics and we would like to see KCOC look more like our community because we believe this is what Jesus would want us to do. 

      • Steps toward making this a reality

        • We want to actively pray for this and ask God to make it a reality

        • We want to pursue community with our region's diverse population.  

    • We want to be a place of welcome for all people regardless of who they are or where they have been. We will be known as a safe and welcoming place for hurting people.

      • We want to be a safe and nurturing place for ALL of God’s people, His children.

        • Seeing people as God sees them.

    • We want to continue to explore ways to collaborate and partner with other Christian churches. We believe this is our way to participate in being the answer to Jesus’ prayer for unity in John 17.  

    • We want to invest in ministries to increase our efforts to reach young adults. We want to be active in this effort and put time and resources toward it. 

      • Continuing to grow The Bridge ministry to college age & young adults. 

    CARE (giving/receiving)

    • We want to provide the very best spiritual care for the Kaufman Church of Christ body. 

      • Giving/Receiving care through Shepherding, Small Groups, etc. 

    • We will be more intentional about how we love and care for people of all ages

      • With special attention for singles, senior citizens and those with special needs.

    • We will develop ways to better assimilate new people into the life of our church, helping them find their place to serve and connect within the body. 

    • We want to see 75% of our church involved in a small group (a place to belong, find community and receive care). 

      • We want to see new groups regularly being formed, new leaders being trained and (where appropriate) some groups multiplying to form new groups.  

      • Provide more opportunities for people to find and connect with small groups.


    • Provide Bible study that is focused on both Biblical knowledge as well as Christ centered living. 

      • We will assess whether our current Sunday morning/Wednesday night class model is working and - if it helps accomplish our goals. 

        • We will explore classes based on life stages or other various faith topics, etc.

      • We will continue to learn how to discuss important issues of the faith in a helpful and respectful way. 

    • Seeking the Spirit’s leading, we want to openly study and discuss the gifting of men and women with unity and wisdom ensuring all members are fully utilizing their gifts and skills as revealed by the Holy Spirit.

  •  MISSION - widening our reach to share the love of God


    • We will be a missional people; we will seek to be producers rather than consumers. We will focus our hearts and our lives on reaching people with the good news. 

      • Our Prayer is that God would break our hearts for what breaks His and we would be a people committed to sacrificing time and resources to seek and save the lost. 

      • We will be courageous and willing to take risks, and be uncomfortable, for the kingdom of God.


    • We want to see our facility used to serve our community and the kingdom

      • Our goal is to have our building used for God’s glory 7 days/ week. 

      • We will spend time assessing our current facility and property to develop a strategic plan for the future. 

    • We want to support the Sonshine School Board in strategically thinking about how to best utilize this ministry to serve our community. 

    • We want to continue to build on the work of the Hope Center and explore the possibility of expanding its reach to provide additional transitional housing and services.

    • We will assess the needs of our growing and changing community to see how the specific gifts and passions of our members can be used to serve our neighbors.

    ACTS 1:8

    • Balance our mission fields between Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Ends of the Earth (Acts 1:8) 

      • We will support all of our mission partners not only financially but also physically.

      • We will develop a plan for how to make regular visits to our partners and also bring them to KCOC

      • We want to host regular short term mission trip opportunities for people at KCOC and help support these as we are able. 

      • We want our people regularly serving with our local mission partners.

    • We will invest time and resources to explore ways to increase our online presence with the goal of engaging people and seeking to create a meaningful digital community.