Our Staff

God-Centered and People-Oriented

  • Interim Preacher - Eddie Sharp

    Eddie is a retired preacher, bible professor and mentor who is serving as our interim preacher as we complete our search process for a new preaching minister. Eddie has a true heart for ministry and sharing the word of God with people. We are so very blessed to have him with us during this season.

  • Worship & Family Life Minister - Chris Dowell  


    Chris came to us in February of 2015 from Houston, TX where he had been serving previously. After serving as our Student Minister for 7 years he transitioned into Worship & Family Life ministry. Chris graduated from Abilene Christian University where he met his wife Stephanie. Chris and Stephanie have a daughter, Presley. They have a passion for God  and love ministering.

  • Diana began teaching children’s Bible classes when she was eight years old and has been

    working with children from that point forward. Diana and her husband John have been a part of

    the KCOC congregation since November 2019; Diana began serving as the Children’s Minister

    in December 2022. Prior to that she had a career as a teacher and administrator in the public

    schools of Texas. Diana loves spending time with our children, singing with them, and teaching

    them about God’s love. She also occasionally has a crazy idea like throwing things off the roof

    or fishing under the trees in the front yard. Most of all, she wants all children to love God and

    serve Him faithfully.

  • Sonshine School - Michelle McDougald

    Michelle comes to us with almost 30 years of educational experience. She is certified PK-8 and has worked as an instructional coach, administrator as well as a director. She and her husband Gene moved back to Kaufman County in 2024. We are so blesse to have the McDougald family worshiping and serving with us here at Kaufman Church of Christ.


  • Barbara has served as the Bookkeeper for almost 25 years. She works with our finance team to manage the finances for the church and also serves in other ways as needed. Barbara has three grown children and 3 grandchildren.

  • Secretary - Doranda Conner


    Doranda and her husband Larry have been members of KCOC for more than 20 years. Doranda accepted the role of Secretary in 2020 and continues using her talents to keep the office running smoothly. In addition to her administrative duties, she also has a support role with her husband Larry who serves KCOC as one of our Elders. Doranda enjoys gardening, her chickens, goats, dogs and spending family time with their children Emily & Eric. 

  • Youth Minister - Andrew Raymond


    Andrew and his wife, Bailey, joined us in August of 2021. Andrew graduated from Oklahoma Christian University with a degree in Youth and Family Ministry. Andrew loves students and teaching them about Jesus and living lives as followers of Christ. In his free time he loves following sports of all kinds and despite being being a NY Giants fan is a pretty okay guy.